21 days of prayer…
21 days of consecration…
21 days of fasting…

The past 21 days have been absolutely enlightening. I am appreciative of the opportunity to be obedient under the leadership of my bishop, Lewis Williams of Household of Faith Church (Jacksonville, FL), when he made the call for our entire church to participate in this endeavor.

I am unable to fully express the wonderment of this event. To really seek God’s will for your life without question, stepping away from things that are holding you back from having a fulfilling relationship with Christ, brings a wealth of clarity. Twenty-one days of prayer and seeking God’s face just like Daniel did in the Bible (Daniel 10). Seems easy… But it’s not, not if you are truly challenging yourself to do something you’ve never done before. And that’s what I did. Fasting wasn’t a part of the deal but consecration means pulling away from some things so I decided to take a break from dating (and a couple of other things) because it’s been something that’s held me back from pursuing a genuine and lasting relationship with God.

Not to get too deep, but I’ve always wanted to fall in love and marry young. If things had worked out the way I’d planned back in high school, I would’ve been married with my first child by now. Yeah, I know… Lol. But that wasn’t God’s plan and that annoyed me so I continued to pursue meaningless relationships, hoping they’d potentially grow into something more than what I knew them to be. In between break ups and make ups, I would pray to God to send me my husband and that the next would be my last. Growing up, I was never one to want to go from relationship to relationship but to an extent that’s what I did.  I was actually labeled a “serial monogamous” by the counselor I confided in during my college years (Yeah, I had to see a therapist after my first major break up. It was something serious!)

But wait! To make matters worse, when God did send me what I’d prayed for, I told Him I wasn’t ready and shipped the gift back with a “return to sender” label on it. Smh… So needless to say, I’ve put myself through a lot of headache, heartache and dispair. I don’t blame anyone for the choices I’ve made and my heart is not bitter or hardened toward past loves. But I needed a change and I knew that only God could give it to me.

This morning, I rushed into church, 8 minutes late (had to get in the morning workout), but just in time to hear the 3rd point being made during the sermon that would officially end our 21 days of prayer (Daniel 10:1-14).

You’d be surprised what you can live without when you need something from God.
YES! This is exactly why I decided to fast. I desperately needed to hear God’s voice and I couldn’t hear him clearly with the negativity I had taking up space in my life. Men were one vex, but being too “social” was another. Always going out, “socially drinking,” “turnin’ up,” etc. etc. These things were blinding me and I couldn’t see what else God had for me because these things had become my pseudo-gods for lack of better terms. I would seek these things when I was unhappy, dissatisfied, insecure or hurting, instead of calling on Jesus. HUGE PROBLEM!

I never thought I could be by myself and be totally happy with that. And don’t dare ask me not to have a drink or two, or more when out with my friends. I needed these things… But once I truly realized how much I needed God to move in my life SO MUCH MORE, it was a little easier to let them go. And 21 days later, I’m soooo good. I’m not saying I won’t struggle with the temptations of the past any more but I’m equipped to handle the battle a lot better now.

Don’t expect for everybody that’s with you to see and experience the same things as you in this prayer and consecration.
I talk to much! When I get excited about something, especially positive things happening in my life, I feel the need to tell E-VER-Y-BO-DY! But everybody can’t handle what God is doing for me and I found that out very quickly. God is working on something great for me in my professional life and in my personal life and there was something very specific I was praying for during this time because God had shown me a sign concerning it and I needed to be sure I wasn’t mistaken in my beliefs concerning His plan. Fasting and praying about this thing was great! Here’s where I messed up: Telling people who couldn’t understand. People laughed, told me I couldn’t or wouldn’t be successful in this endeavor, told me I couldn’t change, and just completely turned me off to be honest. Everyone isn’t going to understand, approve, like or support what you are doing when God is moving in your life and those are the people you need to block in your phone, delete off of social media and limit all contact with. These are people who’s intentions are to being you down because they aren’t elevated or  they are being used, unknowingly, as a device against the will of God in your life. I’ve let these things get to me and pull me backward before but this time I wasn’t having it! I kept PUSHing and kept a memory bank of names of people never to confide in anymore.

When God gives you a visitation there’s is no way that you will remain the same.
And I am not the same. It’s only been 21 days but I feel a major shift has occurred in my life.  I don’t have a desire to go back to doing the same things I once was. There are many reasons for that, one being that I love to prove the naysayers wrong! But mostly because I want better for myself and I know God has been waiting for me to stop being so stubborn so He can give it to me. I’m singing, “I won’t go back, I can’t go back to the way it used to be. Before your presence came and changed me.”


I will answer their prayers before they finish praying. (Isaiah 65:24 CEVUK00)
For those of you who know what I’ve been praying for, this was pivotal! I couldn’t stop the tears when this scripture came out of my bishop’s mouth because I honestly felt stupid and yet relieved. I’ve been praying for the same confirmation to majestically appear before me, even if it meant Jesus himself coming down from the Throne of Grace, touching my shoulder and saying, “My child, yes, this is for you.”  But here it was, plain as day! I’m praying and praying (lotioning my knees) then praying some more about something God has already given me an answer on. I actually got the answer a year ago and told God I wasn’t ready for it. Got confirmation on it at the beginning of my fast and still needed flashing lights and sirens to believe it to be true. I know God is laughing at me! This scripture changed my life today!

And finally…

“Let God use you. You don’t have to fear. You are free!”
This was whispered in my ear today after I’d given my testimony about what these 21 days had done for me. I cried and cried because I knew I had been afraid of what giving up everything and letting God take control would mean. But I’m no longer afraid. If it means losing friends, so be it. If it means being single for the next how many ever years, so be it. If it means picking up and moving out of my comfort zone, I’ve done it before and I can do it again. Because all that means God gets the gory and I am blessed!

I challenge you to take on your strongholds whether it be alcohol, sex, drugs, being a lukewarm Christian, food, frivolous spending, etc. Read Daniel 10, Isaiah 65:23,  Psalm 44:17 and Galatians 2:1-10 to get you through. Once you defeat those negative things that have been controlling your future, you leave an open space for God to come through and work! Try it! I dare you!